(千里)今日からこの部室は\N選挙対策本部よ\N Starting today, this room will be the Election Strategy HQ. 大島裕樹選挙対策本部 Oojima Yuki Election Strategy HQ そして 私は選対本部長\N And I will be the HQ's strategy manager. (美冬)何だか\Nそれっぽくなってきたわね\N You're certainly starting to sound like one. (希美)のんちゃんも\Nワクテカしてきたのです\N I'm also very excited! (愛)演説用のノボリも作らなきゃ\N(綺衣)まずはポスターじゃない?\N We should start making banners for his speeches. Shouldn't we start with posters? (朧)ウグイスボーイは任せてください\N I'll make the announcements. {this one goes to my blog tl note} (葉月)私は教師だから\N直接 手伝えないけど\N I can't help you directly because I'm a teacher, アドバイスくらいは\Nいつでもするわよ\N but I can always give you some advice. (未散)清き… 1票\N I... can simply vote. (裕樹)みんな!\N立候補の届け出 受理されたぞ\N Everyone! My candidacy notification has been accepted. (一同)おお…\N それじゃあ\N本格的に選挙モードに突入よ\N All right, now it's time to go into full-on election mode! おーッ!\N Yeah! ふッ それで?\N俺は次に何をやればいいんだ?\N So... What do I have to do next? えっと…\N何すればいいんだっけ?\N Hmm...What is he supposed to do...? 戦略! Strategies! 会長選の流れ Presidential Election Flow Chart 予備選挙 Preliminary Election 得票率10%以上で通過 ↓ Need 10% or more votes to pass 第一回討論会 ↓ 1st Debate 第二回討論会 ↓ 2nd Debate 本選挙 Official Election (葉月)高藤学園の\N生徒会長選挙は→\N The student council president election at our Takafuji High School has preliminaries before the actual election. 本選の前に予備選挙があるの\Nこの予備選挙をクリアしないと\N If you can't get passed these preliminaries, it's game over. {lit. nothing will happen} 何も始まらないわ\N予備選挙か…\N Preliminary elections... ここで泡沫候補が\Nふるいにかけられるわけね\N To get rid of all the frivolous candidates, I guess. {lit. the frivolous candidates will be sieved out} ホーマツコウホ?\N Frivolous candidates? 有力じゃない候補のことよ\N知名度も資金もなく\N Those who aren't influencial enough. Having neither recognition nor funds, nor any political measures. 政策もパッとせず 立候補しても\N泡のように消え去る候補のことよ\N Even if they announce candidacy, they'll quickly vanish like bubbles. オーシマのことじゃん\N You're talking about Ooshima, no? だから これからそうならない\N方法を考えるんだろ\N That's why were thinking of a way so that won't happen. 予備選挙の通過条件は\N得票率10パーセント以上よ\N The condition for passing the preliminaries is by having over 10% of the votes. てことは全校生徒6千人の1割で\N So based on 10 percent of all 6000 students, it means you're out if you don't reach 600 votes. 600票取らないとアウトってことか\N 600票なんて\Nどうやったら取れるんだ?\N How do I ever get 600 votes? それは…\N魅力的なマニフェストを作るとか\N Maybe...if you make an appealing manifesto. 誰もが飛びつくような\N分かりやすいのがいいですね\N One that appeals to everyone, and is easy to understand. だったら\Nクラブ予算の増額ってのはどう?\N How about increasing the club budgets? ショッケンの部費は\N倍付けにしてさ\N If we double the Food Research Club's budget, おやつ手当を支給した方が\Nみんな幸せになれると思うのです\N And give each club a snack fund, I think everyone will be happy. お酒手当も欲しいところよね\N They'd probably want a beer fund as well. {@tlc: I think Hazuki's the only one here...} 現金支給ですと目的以外に\N使われる可能性もありますから\N Money allowances can be used for things beside their purpose, おやつ無料化ってどうですか?\Nやおい棒 無料化\N so how about free snacks? Yaoi-bars, free of charge. どれもこれも バラマキじゃないか\Nそんなふざけたマニフェストばかりじゃ\N You guys are just throwing money at everything. With such a ridiculous manifesto, I won't get elected in a hundred years! 100年たっても\N当選なんてできないぞ\N 選挙のノウハウを持ってる部員が\N1人もいないのが問題よね\N The problem is that we don't have a single member who's a know-how at elections. ・(朧)出馬経験のある人がいれば\N力強いんですが\N We'd be fine if there were someone who has experienced this before, but... ・(綺衣)そんなの\Nそうそういるわけないじゃん\N You can't find someone like that so easily. (ノック)\N (夜雲)失礼します\Nワオ~ッ!\N Excuse me. やっくん ご無沙汰なのですよ!\N Yakkun, I haven't heard from you in a while! あれは…\N毛利生徒会長\N He's... Student Council President Mouri. お久しぶりです のんちゃん\N大きくなりましたね\N Long time no see, Non-chan. You've grown quite a bit. それはもう のんちゃんも\N最上級生ですから\N Of course, as I'm a senior student as well, 大きくなって当然なのです\N it is only obvious I'd have grown! 大人の色香をプンプン振りまくほど\N成長したのですよ\N I've grown up to the point that I'm sprinkling the charms of an adult! なるほど 今でそれだと\N未来は更に楽しみですね\N I see... If that's how you are now, I'm even more excited to see what you'll be like in the future. もちろんなのです\N That goes without saying! のんちゃん先輩も\N生徒会長と知り合いなんですか?\N You were acquainted with the student council president as well, Non-chan-senpai? はい やっくんとは1年生のときに\Nクラスメートだったのですよ\N Yep! Yakkun was my classmate in my first year. 「のんちゃんも」って もしかして\N裕樹も会長と知り合いなの?\N "As well"...Does that mean you know him as well, Yuuki? ああ まあ\N Ah, in some way. 出馬されたのですね?\Nえッ ああ はい\N You're applied for the elections, right? Ah, yeah. お陰さまというか何というか\N All thanks to you, is what I'd like to say. 今日 突然お邪魔したのは\N実はその件でして\N In fact, the reason I'm barging in like this today is because of that. 単刀直入に申し上げます\N I'll get straight to the point. 我々 治安部に大島君の選挙を\N手伝わせていただけませんか?\N Would you let us help Oojima-kun in the elections? えッ?\N Eh? マジで?\Nマジです\N Are you serious? I'm serious. どうして俺なんかを?\N体が目当てなら手遅れですよ\N Why would you help someone like me...? If you're longing for his body, you're one step too late. 既に裕樹先輩の体は\N Yuuki-senpai's body, from top to toe, it all belongs to me. 頭の先からつま先まで\N全部 僕のものですから\N 何だったら半分こします?\N In that case, shall I share half of it? ユメ!\Nはーい\N Yume. Okay. 手伝いたいのは会長や治安部に\N何らかのメリットがあるからよ\N The Security Division wants to help us because there's something in it for them, or for the president. お察しのとおりです\N It's just as you say. 我々の非常に身勝手な理由で\N手伝いを申し出ております\N We have come to offer our aid for very selfish reasons. 身勝手な理由?\Nはい\N Selfish reasons? Yes. 我々治安部は財務部や総務部に\N政権を明け渡したくないのです\N We do not want to give up the administration to the Financial or the General Division. どうして他のところに\N政権を取られたくないのですか?\N Why are you against others taking over the administration? 今回は出られなくても また次回\N頑張ればいいと思うのですよ\N If you can't run this time, you can always try again next year. 選挙は基本的に与党が強いのです\N一度政権を明け渡すと\N In elections, the parties already in power are basically the strongest. Once that power has been given up, 取り返すのは\N容易なことではありません\N it's not simple to get it back. つまり無所属の裕樹が\N生徒会長になれば\N So if an independent candidate like Yuuki becomes the student president, 来年はフラットな状態で\N選挙に臨めるというわけね\N you can face the elections on a level playing field next year. いかにも\Nでも なぜ俺なんです?\N That is correct. But why me? 他にも候補は たくさんいるのに\N There are enough candidates besides me. それは大島君が\N予備選挙を通過できるだけの\N That's because only you, Oojima-kun, have the potential to pass the preliminaries. ポテンシャルを持っているからです\N 俺が?\N・(夜雲)そうです\N Me? Indeed. 先日 東雲候補の\Nマニフェストが発表になりましたが\N A few days ago, candidate Shinonome's manifesto had been published. 調査したところ 彼女の支持率が\N10パーセントほど下がりました\N However, research shows that amount of her supporters has decreased by 10 percent. 10パーセントも?\N(美冬)どうしてそんなに?\N A whole 10 percent? How did that happen? ケートク制度の改革に\N Some of them say the manifesto focused too much on the reform of the Keitoku program {or system}, 重点を置きすぎているなどの\N細かい部分もありますが\N 大半はクラブ改革への不満です\N but the majority is against the club reforms. 部費を削られるクラブの生徒が\N不支持に回ったってことね\N The students, whose club gets its budget cut, have turned to disapproval. ということはクラブ改革反対を\N旗印に立ち上がれば\N That means that if we make banners that stands against the club reforms, そいつらの支持を\N得られるというわけか\N we can obtain their support! その点 予算削減よりも\N廃部候補である食品研究部の方が\N Disregarding the budget cuts, it's even easier to obtain their support as the Food Research Club, 反旗を翻す感じが出て\N支持を集めやすいのです\N because you're a candidate for disbanding, which in turn gives the feeling of a rising revolt. それでも強敵の総務部が\N同じ公約を出してくると\N But if the powerful General Affairs Division would promise the same thing, 向こうに票が流れそうですよね\N the votes would go in their direction instead. 総務部が本格的に動き出すのは\N予備選挙の後になります\N The General Affairs Division will start to move only after the preliminaries. マニフェストも予備選後に東雲候補の\N弱点を突く形で公開するでしょう\N The manifesto itself will expose candidate Shinonome's weak points at that point. {TLC} それで 票読みはどれくらい?\N So, how many votes will you get? 仕分けクラブの支援票と\N我々の分で400票近く\N The supporting sorted clubs plus our part comes to a total of around 400 votes. {sorted clubs = listed for disbanding/budget cuts from ep 2} 後はこれからになります\N400? ふ~ん\N The rest is up to you. てことは後200票\Nてことは1人25票\N So we're still 200 short. So 25 votes per person. 友達にお願いすれば\N何とかなりそうな数字ですね\N If you ask friends, that amount seems quite managable. のんちゃんは こう見えても\N顔が広いですから\N I know a lot of people as well, despite my appearance, {or "I unexpectedly know a lot of people as well"...goes into my blog} もっと集められると思うのです\N so I think we can get even more! 予備選挙当日に入れてくれる\N人だっているだろうし\N There'll be people who'll will vote on the day of the preliminaries too. 案外 簡単にクリアできちゃうかも\Nなんて…\N This might be surprisingly easy to pass. Maybe. ・(夜雲)盛り上がるのは\N結構ですが\N It's good to see you're all fired up, 先に挙げた400票は\N我々と手を結んだ場合にのみ\N but you do understand that the aforementioned 400 votes 獲得できる票だと\N理解しておられますか?\N are bound to us as we have acquired them, right? 分かっています 自分達だけで\Nできるとは思っていません\N I fully understand. I do not think we will win by ourselves. でも手伝うって 何をしてくれるの\N治安部は謹慎中でしょ?\N But how will you help us? Isn't the Security Division currently under probation? ですので 残念ながら\N部員の提供はできません\N Therefore I regrettably cannot provide you with members. そこで\N治安部がこれまで蓄積してきた\N In that regard, we'd like to share all the knowledge about elections we've gathered until now. 選挙のノウハウを\N提供させていただきます\N 選挙のノウハウ?\N・(夜雲)はい\N Knowledge about elections? {little liberalized...because here's know-how is not an adjective in Japanese} それも当選実績者のノウハウです\N This includes knowledge about succesful candidates. かなり魅力的だと思いませんか?\N Don't you think this is quite an attractive offer? これはお願いするしかないだろ\N何言ってんの\N We should definitely ask for their help! What are you saying. 私達が\Nお願いすることなんかないの\N We're not the ones asking for help. でしょ?\Nそのとおりです\N Right? You are completely right. お願いしているのは\N我々治安部の方ですから\N The ones who are asking for help is the Security Division. でしょ\N立場は私達の方が上なのよ\N Indeed. Our position is higher than yours. {what a b*tch} 安請け合いすることないの\Nにしたって\N Never make promises without due consideration. Nevertheless... 手伝ってくれるって人に\Nその態度は…\N You shouldn't put up such an attitude for people who're willing to help. 甘いわよ 裕樹\N You're too naive, Yuuki. 会長は善意で協力を\N申し出ているとは限らないのよ\N It's not necessarily true that the president will offer to cooperate in good faith. あんたを取り込んで\N There's the chance you'll take the bait, 治安部の傀儡政権に仕立てる\N可能性だってあるんだから\N and we'll be made into a puppet government under the Security Division. ずいぶんな言われようですね\Nしかし\N Those are quite the words... いきなり信用しろというのも\N無理なことは分かっております\N However, I do understand you can't trust me immediately. そこで ご提案なのですが\Nまずは予備選挙が終わるまでの\N This is but a suggestion, but how about an temporary contract until the end of the preliminaries? 期間限定契約というのは\Nいかがでしょう?\N その間で我々が信用に足る相手と\N分かっていただけたら\N Carrying in mind that you can extend the contract once you find us a worthy partner who you can trust. 契約延長という運びで\N ふふーん のったわ\N I see...The deal is on! ありがとうございます\N決して皆さんに損はさせませんよ\N Thank you very much. I promise I won't let you all down. 裕樹を勝たせて\N Make Yuuki win these elections. 任せてください\N Leave it to me. 大島君\Nああ はい\N Oojima-kun Yes. これから よろしくお願いします\N I'll be counting on you. {god, why ;w;} こちらこそ\Nよろしくお願いします\N I'll be counting on you as well. 夢島君 一緒に頑張りましょう\N Yumeshime, let's do our bests. はい 一緒に… 行きましょう\N Yes, let's come...together. ヒャッ!\N 猿江さん よろしくお願いします\Nウキ\N Sarue-san, looking forward to our efforts. 門前仲さん\Nよろしくお願いします\N Monzennaka-san, pleased to be working with you. ウキャ\N ああ…\N エヘヘ…\N のんちゃん 勝ちにいきましょう\Nレッツゴーウィンなのです\N Non-chan, let's go for the win! Let's go win! (夜雲)木場さんも\Nはい\N Kiba-san. Yes. どうか よろしくお願いします\N I'll be in your care. こちらこそ\Nよろしくお願いします\N Likewise, I'll be in your care. いや~ 渡りに船とはこのことだな\N安心するのはまだ早いって\N 森下さん… でしたね?\N Morishita-san, was it? 頑張りましょう\N Let's work hard. { or We're in this together. (lib)} 400票しか集められないなんて\N You only have to collect 400 votes... 治安部が総力を挙げてって\Nわけじゃなさそうね→\N ...The Security Division isn't going all-out, is it? 何を企んでるのかは\N知らないけど→\N I don't know what you're up to, おたくのゴタゴタにウチのカワイイ部員達を\N巻き込むのだけは ごめんよ\N I'd rather have you not involve these cute members into your meddles. ・(夜雲)そんなことは\Nございません\N I won't do such a thing. 信じていいのね?\N Can I trust your words? もちろんです\N But of course. みんな いい子達なの\Nよろしく頼むわよ\N They're all good children you know. I trust them to you. 精一杯 頑張らせていただきます\N I'll put all my effort in it. (BG LINES:) Man, he couldn't have come at a better time. {nice one for in my blog} I told you it's too early to celebrate! [TLC, discuss together for these unnoted lines] Hope is boiling up in me! It's not my dream to cook in a hot spring{?} {?} Yo, President Ooshima! ・(綺衣)何かしっくりこないな\N Hmm, that doesn't rhyme that well. That's because my name's Oojima! It's almost the same, isn't it. Don't ruin the fun after we just got pumped up. Ahh, I'm sorry. Yuu-kun becoming the student council president... We're not there yet. We'll have to pass the preliminaries first. Ah, you're right. Let's do our bests day and night in the elections! Yeah! In any case, I'll support you in the night! Yuuki-senpai, let's work hard together. What the heck...{ittai nani wo} Manifesto まず マニフェストは後回しにします\N First things first, we'll postpone the idea of a manifesto. 一番最初じゃないんですか?\N It's not the first thing to do? 泡沫候補のマニフェストなど\N誰も見ません\N No one will read a manifesto from a frivolous candidate. マニフェストなしで一体どうやって?\N How will we work without a manifesto? 予備選挙では\N一番になる必要はありません\N It's not the highest priority in the preliminaries. 通過するための\N600票さえ集めればいいんです\N You just have to get 600 votes in order to pass that. それには一番大事な政策を\N口頭で訴えていくだけで十分\N Using verbal appeal is the best strategy for now. {lit most important} 「部活動の保護」ですね\Nそのとおり→\N Like, "Protecting the Club Activites". That's right. ということで大島君はまず\N仕分け対象クラブを訪問して\N That said, Oojima should visit the clubs who are targetted for sorting first, and ask for their support. 支援をお願いしてきてください\Nはい それじゃあ 早速…\N All right, then I'll go right now... 待ってください クラブ訪問には\N女子部員を同伴してください\N Wait a moment. Please be accompanied by a female club member when visiting them. 女子部員を?\Nはい\N A female club member? Yes. 男子メインの部活動も多いですから\N There are a lot of clubs run by males, 笑顔の女性に「お願いします」と\Nやられると 結構 効きます\N so a smile from a girl saying "Please" will definitely have effect. はあ~ よく考えてるわ\Nプロだわ 選挙のプロ\N Woah, smart thinking there. A real professional. A pro at elections. それじゃあ\N俺と挨拶回りに行きたい人!\N All right, who wants to make a round with me?! 仕分け対象クラブって下手すりゃ\N100近くあるわけでしょう?\N Aren't there like, near 100 clubs that are targetted for sorting? ずっとオオシマと一緒ってのもね\N To be stuck with Ooshima for so long... お前らな…\N You guys... し… 仕方ないわね選対本部長だし\N I guess I'll have to go, as I'm the strategy manager. みんなが嫌がる仕事は\N引き受けたげるわよ\N I'll take on the work everyone doesn't want to do. 決まりましたね では\N Seems it's all set. それ以外の人で\N誰か署名をもらってきてください\N Can some of the other also bring signing forms? 署名って\Nどんな効果があるのかしら?\N What for effect will that have? わざわざ署名までした人は\N意外と裏切りません\N People who went as far as using signing forms are more to be trusted. ウソをつくことに多少なりとも\N良心の呵責を感じますので\N It hurts the conscience when you lie a bit {in speech}, たとえバレなくても\Nちゃんと投票してくれるものです\N so even if it doesn't get exposed, you can still have your vote. 何か そっちもめんどくさそうだな\N(綺衣)ねッ\N That's also sounds like a pain in the ass. Exactly. あのな… お前ら\Nホントに手伝う気あんのかよ!?\N You guys...do you even want to help us out?! ちなみに この仕事は できるだけ\Nカワイイ女性の方が効果が高いです\N By the way, the cuter the girls are, the more effective it is for this job. 私 署名もらってくる!\N私も!\N I'll go get some signs! Me too! ウキャキャキャキャ… キャー\N 行っちゃった\N There they go. プロだ… 人を動かすプロだ\N A pro, a pro at leading. まだまだ これからですよ\N And this is just the beginning.                                \N (玲二)なッ!\Nここッ 後援会ですと!?\N Wha— As support group?! そう 文字どおり\N裕樹を後方から支援する会よ\N As the word implies, a group to support Yuuki. {from the back} 東雲に名指しされたクラブを中心に\N結成するの\N We're forming a group for the clubs that have been named by Shinonome. 俺達はバックに\N財務部や総務部がついてる相手と\N We have to fight with the Financial and the General Affairs Division behind our backs. 戦わなきゃならないんだ\N でも\N私達には そういう組織がないの\N But we're not such a grand organisation. たッ 確かにそれは厳しいですな\N That would be very difficult to win indeed. そこで後援会が必要なのよ\N That's why we need a support group. 2人にはその後援会の\N会長と副会長をやってほしいの\N We would like you two as president and vice-president of that group. (美絵瑠)会長と\N副会長ですと?\N As president... And vice-president? ねッ お願い後援会を任せられるの\N2人しかいないのよ\N Please! You two are the only ones who I can trust the support group to. でも そうなると投票だけって\Nわけにはいかなくなるんでしょ?\N But that means you do not want us just for the votes, right? そうなんだ\N各クラブを回ってもらって\N Indeed. We need you to go around the clubs and rise the support club! 後援会を\N立ち上げてもらう必要がある\N それは お2人の役割なのでは!?\N Aren't you two supposed to do that?! あくまでも周辺からの\N盛り上がりで結成して欲しいのよ\N We just want you to brighten it up in the surroundings. 俺達が直接関わって強制してる\Nみたいにならない方がいいんだ\N We believe it's better when it doesn't look like we're involved and forcing them. ふむ なるほどね\Nしかし責任重大ですぞ\N Hmm, I see. But that's some grave responsibility you put on me. 頼むよ有明 ガレージ\N I beg of you, Ariake, Garage. お願い! 後援会が\N選挙を左右する存在になるの\N Please. The supporting group could be the decisive element in the elections. {lib.} う~ん う~ん うんん…\N (美絵瑠)そうだ\Nいいこと思いついた!\N That's it! I came up with something! あれはこうで… ムニャムニャこうで…\N That'll go like this...and....like that... それはいいアイデアなのですぞ\Nでしょう?\N That's a great idea! Don't you think? 千里 1つ 条件があるんだけど\Nちょっといいかな?\N Chisato, we'll accept under one condition. Can you come over for a bit? 署名 よろしくお願いします\Nお願いします\N Thanks for the vote! Thank you! ===THE POSTER SIGN AT 14:10=== 食品研究部所属 Member of the Food Research Club 大島裕樹 Oojima Yuuki あなたのクラブを守ります! We will protect your club! ====={this poster shows up many times}===== ===THE COMPUTER SCREEN AT 14:13==== 予備選挙演説文 Preliminary Speeches 私が、この度食品研究部より会長選に I am Oojima Yuuki from the Food Research Club, 立候補しました、大島裕樹です。 and I'm going to run for presidency. 今回、私が会長選に立候補しましたの The reason I've announced candidacy this year, は、財務部が掲げたマニフェストの中に is because I'm against the ありました、「クラブ改革案」に対抗し "Club Reform Draft", which is written in てのことであります。 the Financial Affairs' manifesto. 我が高藤学園の一番の特徴は、生徒の I think the best feature of Takafuji High School, 自主性を重んじる校風ではないかと思い is the school spirit that respects the independency ます。 of students. 既存の制約や常識に捕らわれるこ Without being bound to the current limitations となく、自己責任において、自らの生き and common sense, we are left with self-responsibility, 方を自由に模索、選択、開拓してゆく力 free to seek and select our own way in life, as we を生徒たちが見つけてゆける環境を提供 provide an environment where students have the ability する。これは他の何よりも、誇るべき、 to develop .I think that the attractive club activities 我が学園最大の魅力的な活動であると思 at Takafuji High School are something we should be proud of, っております。 more than anything else. その一環として掲げられた「自由なク One part was listed with the ラブ活動の推進。」これこそ先に挙げた linked "Free Promotion of Club Activities". 我が学園の誇るべき活動の最たるもので Isn't that a prime example of our school's はないでしょうか。 proud club activities? =============================== (夜雲)そうですね\N Looking good. ここはもう少し分かりやすく\N簡潔な文章で構成してください\N You should use a bit shorter and easier sentences here. だいたい こんな感じで…\N It should be okay like this... あッ\N =====THE SIGN ON HER HAT=== Boss {lit. High} ==== (葉月)本当に1人で来るなんて\Nいい度胸ね\N You've really got some nerve to come on your own. 誰が本当の番長か思い知らせて…\N(皐月)あなたの冗談に\N I'll show you who's the real gang leader— I don't have the time to play along with your jokes. 付き合ってる暇はないの\Nノリが悪いわね\N As serious as always. {reversed liberal} ここは番長なんかに興味はねえが\N俺はお前を許さねえって…\N I say, "I can't forgive you for ignoring a gang leader..." 用件は何?\N What's your business? ボーナス前借りできないかな\N財務部長さん\N Can't ya lend me a bonus, Finance President-san? 私の管轄ではないわ\N総務部に言って\N That's not for me to decide. Ask the Finance Affairs. 冷たいわね たとえ母親が違っても\N大事なお姉さんでしょ?\N How cold. Even though I'm not your mother, I'm still your lovely sister. 他に用がないなら帰りますよ\N If you have nothing else to say, I'll be leaving now. ショッケンの廃部 私への嫌がらせ?\N Disbanding the Food Research Club...an act of hate towards me? まさか 公務に私情は挟まないわ\N Not a tiny bit. My personal feelings do not take part in my public services. あくまでも\N精査の上 検討した結果よ\N It's just by the book; the results of an examination. そう 安心したわ\N I see...I'm relieved. 私のせいで部員に\N迷惑かけたんじゃ立つ瀬ないもの\N I do not want to cause trouble for the members. {lib} もういいかしら? 私はこれから\N選対で会議があるので\N Are you done now? I've got a meeting regarding the elections soon. ずいぶん偉くなったわね\N You've become a great person. さすがは我が妹\N As expected of my little sister. お母さんも鼻が高いでしょ\N You're mother would be proud of you. まだよ\N Not yet. 私はあなたを超えるの!\N I'll overcome you. あなたが届かなかった\N生徒会長になるの!\N I'll become the student council president you weren't able to become! あッそう そんなに私が嫌いなら\Nいっそ私をクビにしたら?\N Really now. If you hate me that much, why haven't you fired me yet? (葉月)ここじゃ教師は あなた達\N生徒に雇われてるも同然だし\N Here, us teachers are practically hired by you students. 財務部長ともなれば\N簡単に手を回せるでしょ?\N Can't you easily use your power as the Financial President? 言ったはずよ\N公務に私情を挟まないって\N I told you before. My personal feelings do not take part in my public services 私情じゃクビを切りたいわけだ\Nはッ\N You'd fire me if they did take part. まあ 好きにするといいわ\N Oh well, do what you want. 会長選 頑張って\N Good luck in the elections. 私も教師だから\N私情を挟まず公平に応援するから\N I'm a teacher, so I'll cheer for you fairly, disregarding my personal feelings. うわ~ッ 疲れた\N Ahh, I'm tired. 知らない人と話するの こんなに\N神経使うとは思わなかった\N I didn't think talking to strangers would be so nerve-wrecking. だらしないわね しょうがないな\N You're useless...Just one moment. うん?\N Hm? うんッ! 何すか これは!?\N What's this?! だって休憩するんでしょ?\N私 コーヒーね\N You're going to take a break, right? I've have a coffee. 俺に買いに行かせんのかよ!?\N You're going to make me do the errand?! ちゃんとお金払ってるでしょ?\N I'm the one paying for it, no? あんたは私の所有物なんだから\N文句言わないの\N You're my possession, so don't complain. たく… 所有物ってんなら\Nもっと大事に扱えよ\N Man...You should handle your possessions with more care. いつものでいいんだな?\Nうん\N You're okay with the usual? Yep. うふ 大事だよ\N I care for you. {lib to compensate with 2 lines back} あッ…\N うふ\N う~ん 俺は何にしよっかなあ\N What should I go for... 出馬されたのですね\Nあッ?\N I heard you're going to run in the elections. ああ 東雲さん\N Hm? Ah, Shinonome-san. これからはライバルというわけね\Nパコジマ君\N Seems we're rivals from now one, Pakojima-kun. パコジマって何ですか?\N What do you mean with Pakojima...? 確かパ行だったと\N記憶していたのですが\N I clearly remember your name started with a P... {pa-gyou is from the pa-group: pa pi pu pe po--> pekojima} 少々違っていたようですね\N ...But it seems I'm slightly off. パ行じゃないですし\N少々でもありません\N It doesn't start with a P, so you're not even close. うふ\N お互い いい戦いをしましょう\N Let's have fair and square fight. はい 負けませんよ\N Yes. I will not lose. 威勢がいいわね\N You're in high spirit. それじゃあ\N See you later. エヘ~ ヘヘヘ…\N 何 ニヤニヤしてんのよ\Nヤベ\N Where are you grinning at. Shi— {lol} 遅いと思ったら あんた\N何 敵となれ合ってんのよ!?\N You were late so I came here...why are you acting all friendly with the enemy?! いや 別にそういうわけじゃ…\N It's nothing like that... 財務部長と知り合いだなんて\N言ってなかったじゃない!\N You didn't tell me you were acquainted with the Financial President. いや ちょっと自転車が縁で\Nはあ?\N I met her on her bicycle ones, and... What? 何よ それ!?\N聞いてないわよ!\N What's up with that?! I haven't heard such a thing! ああ そだ\N千里! 缶コーヒー\N Ah, right. Chisato, canned coffee incoming! ああーッ\N ====SIGN AT MOBILE==== 本文 Message {lit. Body (of a letter)} 肉じゃが I want 食べたいな~~ to eat Nikujaga 待ってる~~~ I'll be waiting ==================== ふーッ\N 肉じゃが\N Nikujaga... あッ\Nハアハア\N ごまかさないで\Nちゃんと説明しなさいよ!\N Don't try to fool me. Explain to me! どういう関係なの!?\N吐け 吐け~\N What's your relation with her? Spill it, spill it! タマネギ ニンジン しらたきに\Nインゲンとニンニク\N Unions, carrots, Shirataki noodles, beans and garlic. {or just noodles?} タカの爪は まだ残ってたよな\N I believe we still had Hawk Claw chilies. あッ 肉買うの忘れてた\N Ah, I forgot to buy the meat. {seriously? forgetting NIKU in NIKUjaga} あれ 森下さん?\N Hmm? Morishita-san? (歩夢)オージマ君?\N歩夢さん\N Oojima-kun? Ayumu-san. しらたき…\Nオージマ家は今夜カレーなんだ\N Shirataki noodles...So you're going to have curry tonight. カレーにしらたきは入れませんよ\N You don't put Shirataki noddles in curry. お肉の代わりに入れるのかなって\N I wonder if you would use it as replacement for meat. そんなことしません あッ…\N I'm not going to do that. 分かった シチューだ!\Nお肉の代わりにしらたきで\N I got it, it's stew! Using Shirataki noodles instead of meat! 違いますって\N I told you that's wrong! (チャイム)\N いらっしゃい\N Come in! (葉月・裕樹)いただきます!\N Have a nice meal! う~ん おいしい!\N2週間ぶりの ゆう君のご飯\N Delicious! I haven't had Yuu-kun's cooking for about 2 weeks. やっぱり人に作ってもらった\Nご飯はおいしいわ\N Food made by someone else really is the best! それは普段 自分で作ってる人の\Nせりふだと思いますけど\N That's usually said by someone who can actually make his own food... 細かいこと言わないの\N Don't fret about trivial things. (携帯着信)\N ====SIGN AT MOBILE=== 千里 Chisato 本文 Message 留守?今どこー? You're out? Where are you? ==================== 千里?\Nはい\N Is it Chisato? Yeah. (葉月)「こらッ 裕樹!\Nどこ行ってるの」 って?\N Going like "Hey, Yuuki! Where are you right now?" まあ そんなところです\N Well yeah, it's someting like that. 彼女がヤキモチ焼きだと大変ね\N It'd be terrible if your girlfriend is burning with jealousy. 彼女なんかじゃないですよ\N She's not my girlfriend. ホントに付き合ってないの?\N付き合ってませんよ\N You're really not going out with her? I'm not at all. ====SIGN AT MOBILE=== 本文 Message おばさんによろしくね(^o^) Say hello to your aunt from me. ==================== ふうん じゃさ 私と付き合う?\N Hmm...If so, why not go out with me? そういう冗談 やめてくださいよ\N Please stop with such jokes. 男と女なのよ\N可能性がないわけじゃないでしょ\N A boy and a girl...There's no denying there's a possibility. 先生が俺をからかうのが\N心底楽しいって顔してるうちは\N A teacher whose face shows genuine happiness when teasing me, 可能性ありません\Nえッ?\N I don't see a possibility in that. そんな顔してる?\Nとにかく\N Am I wearing such a face? Anyway... 前みたいなことになったら\Nここへは来ませんからね\N if it goes out of control like last time, I won't come ever again. はいはい でも\Nどうして あんなことしたのか\N Yeah yeah...But...I still don't know why I made such rash actions... いまだに よく分からないのよね\N 酔っ払ってたからでしょ\N酔ってないわよ\N That's because you were drunk. I wasn't drunk! 酔ってたら覚えてないもの\N If I were, I wouldn't have the memory. ゆう君の唇の感触\N今でも覚えてるわよ\N I still remember the sense of your lips. やッ やめてください!\N Please stop it! まあ ゆう君には\Nご飯を作りに来てもらいたいから\N Oh well. I'd love to have Yuu-kun make dinner for me, 嫌われないように気をつけるわ\N so I have to be careful not to make you dislike me. お願いしますね\N I'd be grateful. 今日は ごちそうさま\N肉じゃが すごくおいしかったよ\N Thanks for the meal. Your Nikujaga was exceptionally delicious. どういたしまして\N You're welcome. じゃあ またね ゆう君\N So...See you later, Yuu-kun. おやすみなさい\N Good night. (ため息)\N ・~\N                                \N ・(衣更)甘いお砂糖のお菓子と→\N You have two kinds of snacks...sugar-sweet snacks and お煎餅のように\N塩気のあるお菓子がありますね\N snacks with salt in them like rice crackers, right? 大きく分けるとそうだよね\N If you don't mind the minor details, I guess so. ・(衣更)でも ときどき塩煎餅に\Nお砂糖が付いてたり→\N But sometimes, you also have snacks which emphasizes on both ingredients, like rice crackers with sugar in them, or sweets with salt in them. 砂糖とお塩が両方とも主張してる\Nお菓子があるじゃないですか\N あれって甘さと塩気が互いに\N引き立て合って うまいんだよな\N The way sweetness and saltiness compliment each other is really delicious. ・(衣更)大島先輩もツウですね\N Oojima-senpai is like that as well. {TLC: what is "tsuu" in this case?} 次回 第4話 資金\N Next time, episode 4 "Fundings!" ・(衣更)マーガリンで焼いた\Nクッキーも好きです\N I also like cookies baked in margarine.                                \N